Jasmine Davis
Senior Director of Global Content & Digital Marketing, RBC Wealth Management
Bachelors of Arts, New York University
Jasmine leads a team of marketers that act as a centre of expertise for RBC Wealth Management's businesses in Canada, the United States, the British Isles, and Asia. She drives the strategy and best practices in digital advertising, social media, and content that deliver on the objectives of each business.
Keith MacIntyre
Bachelor of Business Administration, Saint Francis Xavier University
Member, Chartered Professional Accountants Nova Scotia
Keith MacIntyre has 25 years of experience specializing in domestic personal and corporate tax consulting and planning. He is a partner in the Halifax tax practice and past leader for the National Tax Practice in Canada. He has been working with the DYME Institute since 2019. He has travelled and presented in Colombia on topics ranging from leadership and basic bookkeeping. His focus is on helping teams develop a deeper understanding on their purpose and mission as they develop sustainable agricultural projects to improve their livelihoods and incomes.

Mame Leslie
BS Business Management, United States Air Force Academy
MBA International Business, Management & Project Management, Wright State University
Project Management Professional (PMP), Project Management Institute
Mame has over 20 years of experience in project & program management. She has held various leadership roles of different sizes, scopes, budgets, and influence. She has proven track record in managing strategic initiatives in technology, functional design, process improvement, competency development, and planning resulting in increased organisational capacity and efficiency.
As a dynamic and motivated leader, she leverages her consulting skills, professional knowledge, and established relationships in the international community. She is a passionate project management facilitator providing guidance for project advancements at all levels of organizations, while providing innovative and focused solutions.
Omaira Cecilia Martinez Moreno Ph.D.
Tiene un Doctorado en Ciencias Administrativas por la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), México; una Maestría en Administración Internacional por la Universidad Iberoamericana Noroeste (UIA), México, y es Licenciada en Administración por la Universidad Católica del Táchira (UCAT), Venezuela.
Es Profesora e Investigadora de Tiempo Completo de la Facultad de Turismo y Mercadotecnia de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (México). Es encargada del Área de Emprendedores y del área de Intercambio Estudiantil y Movilidad Académica de la Facultad de Turismo y Mercadotecnia.
Es miembro del Cuerpo Académico Consolidado: “Las Organizaciones y su Entorno” con líneas de generación y aplicación de conocimiento en Gestión turística y Mercadotecnia. Ha sido autora y coautora de diversos artículos publicados en capítulos de libros, revistas arbitradas e indexadas y ha participado como ponente en Congresos nacionales e internacionales en el área de administración, mercadotecnia y turismo. Además, ha sido Directora de tesis de Maestría y Doctorado en Administración con énfasis en mercadotecnia y turismo.
Es Perfil deseable PRODEP de la Secretaría de Educación Pública, desde 2007 a la fecha; es miembro de la Red Latinoamericana para el Desarrollo de la MIPYME turística (OEA); miembro de la Academia de Ciencias Administrativas (ACACIA) y miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Investigación Turística (AMIT).
Estoy lanzando mi primer curso basado en problemas en la primavera de 2020, con mi clase de primer año en Tijuana.

Maria Claudia Angel Ferrero Ph.D.
Maria Claudia Angel Ferrero is Assistant Professor in Finance and Entrepreneurship at the University of Montpellier School of Management (IAE), in France. There, she chairs the master in International Business Engineering which is EFMD/EPAS accredited. Her teaching pedagogy is based on active learning approaches and the use of technology and gamification. She is highly involved with the entrepreneurial ecosystem in France and Colombia always in the quest for providing students with better entrepreneurial education and learning experience. Her cross-disciplinary research brings together behavioral finance, psychology and entrepreneurship theories and approaches to explore the behavior and thinking of both entrepreneurs and investors. In 2016 she was awarded the prize for Best Ph.D. Thesis in Corporate Finance awarded by the French National Association of Finance.
Javier A. Rodríguez-Camacho Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in the Business and Economics Faculty at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia).
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering by the Universidad Privada Boliviana, a Graduate Diploma on Education by the Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo", a Master of Science in the Economics of Science and Innovation by the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, a Master in Economic Analysis by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a PhD in Economics by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He was trained as an entrepreneurship educator at Babson College and the USASBE Experiential Classroom.
He currently holds a research professorship in the Department of Business Administration at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, where he lectures on entrepreneurship. His research comprises several projects related to the economics of information, with applications on marketing and the creative and cultural industries. He also works on entrepreneurship education, focusing on the assessment of entrepreneurial competencies.
He has taught at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), Universidad Privada Boliviana (Bolivia), the University of Paderborn (Germany), and the University of Cincinnati (US).
He was awarded a Research Personnel in Training (FPI) grant by the Government of Catalonia (2013 - 2016). One of his most recent pieces of research received the "Best paper" award in the 2017 Bolivian Conference on Development Economics by the Bolivian Academy of Economics.
He is the organizer of the International Encounter of Creative and Cultural Industries, a yearly academic-industry meeting in Bogotá where leading scholars on cultural economics gather with representatives from the local creative industries, policymakers and students.
He was a founding partner in a small media firm in Bolivia, which he left to join academia full-time. He still writes about films and music for several media outlets around the world.

Paola Ximena Salgado Torres
Magister en Innovación de Negocios, Universidad de Breda, Holanda.
Especialista en Gerencia Financiera, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Licenciatura en Economía, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Agradezco infinitamente todos los conocimientos que sumaron día a día en las actividades del workshop para entender la metodología DYME, realmente ellos me dieron una nueva mirada a mi posibilidad de enseñar y transmitir conocimiento.
Disfruté mucho del curso, las experiencias compartidas por el Prof. John y mis compañeros las cuales me abrieron una nueva perspectiva desde dónde me brindan la posibilidad de ir modelando las nuevas formas de pensar, de relacionar, de comunicar y de repensar la enseñanza del emprendimiento.
Alejandro Acosta Gamez
Magister en Gerencia de la Innovación de la Universidad Externado, Colombia
Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
En un mundo cruzado por las tendencias, los mercados acelerados y retos digitales, la academia debe poner a prueba procesos diferentes que hagan frente a las dinámicas actuales.
Una de las estrategias de cambio educativo es el enfoque en teoría aplicada a las necesidades y aprendizajes basados en problemas. Fortaleciendo lo anterior,
La metodología DYME permite que nuestra gestión docente se encamine en que los estudiantes comiencen a pensar y actuar cómo empresarios trascendiendo las aulas de clase en un proceso de generación de soluciones a problemas reales.

Jomaira Laverde Laverde
Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
El profesor Dobson en su metodología D.Y.M.E. nos transmite claramente su conocimiento paso a paso; desarrollando de una sencilla IDEA que nace para solucionar un problema personal o de otros, UN GRAN EMPRENDIMIENTO, haciendo uso de nuestro conocimiento y él de otros, y a través de experiencias a lo largo del proceso, con base en prueba y error podrás perfeccionar tu producto o servicio, identificar a cabalidad tu cliente ideal, y así marcar la diferencia de tu producto o servicio generando impacto, confianza y credibilidad para obtener resultados óptimos y una evaluación objetiva.
Sin olvidar que “Vender es servir”
Mil gracias.
Carolina Llorente
Profesional en Neogcios Internacional, EAFIT
MSc. Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation, Rennes SB
La experiencia en la metodología DYME demuestra formas innovadoras de guiar el emprendimiento entre los estudiantes, e incentivarlos a la práctica y la acción. Con el Prof. Dobson reafirmamos la posición del profesor en la clase de emprendimiento, quien es un acompañante en el proceso de autodescubrimiento que viven los alumnos a través de sus ideas y proyectos. Agradecida de la oportunidad de poder aplicar el modelo y causar curiosidad y motivación en los estudiantes.

Dave Turner
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Hacking for Defense, Fowler College of Business
Chief Strategy Officer, Science Media Inc.
Dave has over two decades of experience in the fields of entrepreneurship, startups, and technology. Dave is a serial entrepreneur having established, managed, and exited several hi-tech organisations including both domestic and international companies.
He has earned both his Bachelors in Economics and Masters Degree in Information Systems and Decision Sciences from Louisiana State University.
Tim Kelley
Chair Canyon Angels and Entrepreneurship, GCU
MBA Economic Development, Thunderbird School of Global Management
“I believe that the greatest path to a prosperous community is by individuals freely serving one another as entrepreneurs. It starts on the streets and in the homes of every family in every culture across the world. My mission is to facilitate entrepreneurship everywhere from the bottom up.”