Develop Your Model
of Entrepreneurship
An Evidence-Based Methodology for Teaching Entrepreneurship

1. Idea
4. Using your Network
5. So, what?
8. Entrepreneurial Marketing
9. Effective Selling
10.Listening to People
7. Channel
6. Initial Customers
2. Systemic Thinking

The DYME Institute
The DYME Institute was established in 2018, by Dr. John Alver Dobson to provide entrepreneurs in developing economies with access to world-class entrepreneurial education.
The content of our program is based on what we know about effectively teaching entrepreneurship. Combining our team's decades worth of experience in research, practice, and teaching we have developed modules that will help entrepreneurs become more successful. The focus is on developing the necessary skills to improve the lives of entrepreneurs within marginalized communities in the developing world.
In response to the ineffectiveness of traditional entrepreneurial education, DYME Institute also aims to change the way entrepreneurship is taught around the world. The institute offers academic development for entrepreneurial educators, entrepreneurship workshops, and professional training.